The Ultimate Coachella '18 Playlist


It's April, which means two things: we hope you have your taxes done and we hope you then get to subsequently let your hair down at Coachella. For years, Coachella has served as the ultimate three day weekend escape in the middle of Spring - somehow right when we feel like we need a mini vacation the most. To help set the mood, we've curated our very own playlist for this year's lineup. So whether you need some tunes to pump you up on the drive down or you're getting yourself ready for Weekend 2, enjoy the playlist and let us know what you think below!





And in case you're a newbie to Coachella, we've provided some helpful tips from some pretty serious seasoned pros (that would be us ):  


  • Stay hydrated at all times. We’re not kidding around.

  • Upon your arrival choose a meeting spot for you and your friends in case someone gets separated without means to communicate.

  • The early bird doesn’t always get the worm! The earlier you arrive often means less wait time upon entrance or being able to maximize the most out of your ticket. But there are some perks to arriving later in the day! Leaving the festival each night is quite possibly one of the most difficult parts of attending the festival all together. The later you arrive the closer your car is parked towards the exit. The closer your car is to the exit, the quicker you can leave. Just some things to think about…

  • Bring a sweater or jacket! The temperature in the desert is known to drop suddenly at night. Be prepared and bring a jacket or cardigan that fits easily in your bag.

  • To avoid traffic the best time to leave for the festival is early Friday morning and the best time to return home is Monday afternoon.


(Oh, and when the weekend is over CAN SOMEONE PLEASE LET US KNOW HOW BEYONCE WAS??!! That is all.)