3 Steps to More Followers

With big businesses everywhere working hard to get themselves seen on social media, it can be challenging making your social sites stand out. And while getting millions of followers will take serious time, there are a few steps you can take today to get you more followers. And so we present our 3 magical steps that will change your lives.*

Add Social Icons & Links:

First, make your social media easy to find. When people come to your website, make sure that your social media icons are at the top of the page. This allows readers to easily click straight to your page and become a follower. Next, place your social media links in your email signature. For the slightly more tech savvy, work those icons into your email or newsletter HTML templates. Finally, do not forget that saying "Follow Us" next to these icons is simple and effective.

Automate & Repost:

Work smarter, not longer. Websites like Hootsuite or Socialoomph allow you to schedule your posts to go out whenever you want without having to publish it in real time. Now you can schedule a piece of content to go out several times a week. Make sure to add small copy alterations to your posts. This may seem like spam, but in reality, your audience will only see a small portion of your posts. 

Follow & Win:

People love free things. So give them free things! Offer a prize to your followers in return for a simple task on a post (such as tagging a friend in the comments). This can quickly expand your reach as your followers will be sharing and tagging their friends. Next make sure to post about how you followed through with the winner. This will build trust and enthusiasm for the next giveaway.

Best of luck! And be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram.

*These steps may not necessarily change your lives, but they will make your lives a whole lot easier!


MDM is an advertising agency focused on providing clients immediate results and long-term branding. We equip companies with the right mix of broadcast and digital advertising.