Social Media 101

We've mentioned before how important the use of social media is to companies of all sizes.  The average user spends over two hours a day on social media sites (source: wearesocial). It's not enough to simply be on social media. Now you need to be an expert on social media. With these tips, we'll show you how to gain more exposure and followers. And make sure to follow us to see these tips in action on a daily basis!

Tip #1: Do what it takes to get the perfect shot. 

 This means do not be afraid to stand up at a restaurant to get a better picture of your food. Do not be afraid to be that person who asks for one more photo after already taking ten.

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Tip #2: use hashtags to your advantage.

Don't be afraid of hashtags but don't overdo them either.  A couple of key hashtags gives your photos more exposure. 

Tip #3: Create a Theme and stick to it.

Create a theme that represents who you are and that will attract the type of audience you are looking for.  Whole Foods' Instagram has a completely different audience than Brandy Melvilles'.

Tip #4: Make your followers a part of the conversation

Ask your followers questions! Posts with questions (aka call to actions!) give the audience an easy way to interact with you. Get them involved!